Past NEDF Represenatives
2024 - BFA St. Albans - Little Women U-32 - Unspoken Word
2023 - Milton High School - Circus Fire Peoples Academy - Chemical Imbalance - A Jekyll & Hyde Story
2019 - Essex High School - Frankenstein Otter Valley Union High School - The Last Firefly
2018 - Otter Valley Union High School - D.O.A. Thetford Academy - Complete Works of William Shakespeare - Abridged, Revised
2017 - Essex High School - The Boy at the Edge of Everything Milton High School - Poe
2016 - Otter Valley Union High School - Inevitable U-32 High School - Baggage
2015 - Milton High School - Beowulf St. Johnsbury Academy - The Things They Left Behind
2014 - Long Trail School - Silenced on Barbour Street Milton High School - Oedipus Rex
2013 - Lamoille Union High School - AP Theatre Otter Valley Union High School - David & Lisa
2012 - Milton High School - A Midsummer Nights Dream St. Johnsbury Academy - The Laramie Project
2011 - Milton High School - Macbeth Peoples Academy - Scapin
2010 - Milton High School - Scenes from the Rimers Eldritch Thetford Academy - This is a Test
2009 - Hartford High School - The Long View Hazen Union High School - Donkey and the Loaf Dogs: The Early Years
2008 - Hartford High School - Killing Bill St. Johnsbury Academy - Gorgeous Raptors
2007 - Burr & Burton - God Mt. St. Joseph Academy - Jerry Finnegan's Sister
2006 - Peoples Academy - The Forced Marriage Randolph Union High School - Wit
2005 - Hartford High School - Nora's Lost U-32 High School - Nothing But a Good Time
2004 - Milton High School - Women & Wallace St. Johnsbury Academy - Fearful Symmetry
2003 - Randolph High School - Three Tables St. Johnsbury Academy - Of Widows and Vegetables
2002 - Milton High School - The Downed and the Saved Peoples Academy - Eleemosynary
2001 - Milton High School - The Dark Ages U-32 High School - The Birds
2000 - Hartford High School - The Chronicles of Jane: Book Seven St. Johnsbury Academy - Carnival of the Animals
1999 - Hartford High School - Property Rites U-32 High School - Dogg's Hamlet
1998 - Mt. St. Joseph Academy - The Diviners Thetford Academy - Postponing the Heat Death of the Universe
1997 - Randolph High School - The Fifteen Minute Hamlet U-32 High School - Alice
1996 - St. Johnsbury Academy - Interview Woodstock Union High School - Macbeth
1995 - Thetford Academy - High Tide Woodstock High Union School - Strider
1994 - Bellows Free Academy (St. Albans)- The Doctors Duty Woodstock Union High School - Al and the Minstrels of Wonderment
1993 - Middlebury Union High School - Alice in Love Woodstock Union High School - Oedipus the King
1992 - Mill River Union High School - Iz She Izzy... Mt. Mansfield Union High School - I Will Breathe
1991 - Mill River Union High School - The Blue Men Woodstock Union High School - Korea
1990 - Mt. Mansfield Union High School - El Grande de Coca-Cola Woodstock Union High School - Medea
1989 - Randolph Union High School - Lemonade U-32 High School - Assembly Line
1988 - Chelsea High School - Asylum Milton High School - Flowers from Lidice
1987 - Champlain Valley Union High School - Tales of Trickery U-32 High School - Candid
1986 - Colchester High School - Lovers Winooskie High School - The Bridge
1985 - Mill River Union High School - Waiting for Lefty Milton High School - Persephone
1984 - Bellows Free Academy (Fairfax) - Salome Vergennes High School - Voices from the High School
1983 - Mill River Union High School - Wiley and the Hairy Man Randolph High School - My Cup Ranneth Over
1982 - Milton High School - The Little Toy Dog Mt. St. Joseph Academy - Wings
1981 - Milton High School - A Game Mt. Abraham Union High School - Who Am I This Time?
1980 - Colchester High School - Lovers Mill River Union High School - Spoon River Anthology
1979 - Lamoille Union High School - Is There Life After High School Mill River Union High School - The Trials of Catonsville Nine
1978 - Proctor High School - The Sandbox Mill River Union High School - Adaptation
1977 - Bellows Free Academy (St. Albans)- Wings Mt. St. Joseph Academy - Wings
1976 - Bellows Free Academy (Fairfax)- An American Ceremonial Mt. St. Joseph Academy - Games
1975 - Bellows Free Academy (Fairfax) - Pelleas and Melisande Mt. St. Joseph Academy - Viet Rock
1974 - Bellows Free Academy (Fairfax) - The Barber of Seville Springfield High School - The Lesson
1973 - Bellows Free Academy (Fairfax) - The Royal Hunt of the Sun Mt. St. Joseph Academy - This is the Rill Speaking
1972 - Bellows Free Academy (St. Albans) - Curse You Jack Dalton Bellows Free Academy (Fairfax) - Hello, Out There
1971 -Bellows Free Academy (Fairfax) - The Brick and the Rose West Rutland High School - The Brick and the Rose
1970 - Mt. St. Joseph Academy - Spoon River Anthology St. Johnsbury Academy - The Old Jew
1969 - Milton High School - Six Who Pass While The Lentils Boil Thetford Academy - The Bald Soprano
1968 - Mt. St. Joseph Academy - Katherine and Petruchio Spaulding High School - Mannequins' Demise
1967 - Lamoille Central Academy - Caucasian Chalk Circle Mt. Anthony High School - The Sandbox
1966 - Brattleboro Union High School - The Potato Jungle Lamoille Central Academy - The Dumb Wife
1965 - Lamoille Central Academy - Mother Courage Middlebury Union High School - The Sandbox
1964 - Burlington High School - The Undercurrent Lamoille Central Academy - The Emperor's New Clothes
1963 - Rutland High School - Aria da Capo Vergennes High School - The Heiress
1962 - Lamoille Central Academy - The Cradle Song Middlebury Union High School - The Lark
1961 - Lamoille Central Academy - The Glass Menagerie Middlbebury Union High School - Box and Cox
1960 - Bellows Free Academy (St. Albans) - Riders to the Sea Brattleboro Union High School - The Odyssey of Runyon Jones
1959 - Arlington High School - I'm A Fool Waterbury High School - The Maker of Laws
1958 - Bellows Falls High School - Rise and Shine Middlebury Union High School - Sorry, Wrong Number
1957 - Lamoille Central Academy - Papa is All Mt. St. Joseph Academy - This is the Way to Heaven
1956 - Waterbury High School - Arsenic and Old Lace
1955 - Burlington High School - The Wonder Hat Waterbury High School - My Lady's Lace
1954 - Burlington High School - Mister Vincent Waterbury High School - The Imaginary Invalid
1953 - Burr and Burton Seminary - Love Hits Wilbur Springfield High School - Sunday Cost Five Pesos
1952 - Brattleboro High School - How to Propose Windsor High School - Mooncalf Mugford
1951 - The Putney School - The Anniversary St. Johnsbury Academy - Will 'O the Wisp
1950 - St. Johnsbury Academy - The Sweetmeat Game Waterbury High School - The Darling Generation
1949 - Montpelier High School - The Bishop's Candlesticks
1948 - Putney High School - The Marriage Proposal Spaulding High Shcool - The Chinese Water Wheel
1947 - Bellows Falls High School - Antic Spring Waterbury High School - Goodnight, Please!
1946 - Springfield High School - Mooncalf Mugford St. Johnsbury Academy - Heritage of Wimpole Street
1945 - Montpelier High School - The Marriage Proposal Waterbury High School - The First Dress Suit
1944 - Middlebury High School - The Happy Journey Montpelier High School - Parting at Imsdorf
1943 - No New Festival This year
1942 - Poultney High School - Goodnight, Please! Motpelier High School - The Flattering Word
1941 - Peoples Academy - The Wedge Newport High School - Circumstances Alter Cases
1940 - Montpelier High School - The Old Lady Shows Her Medals Wallingford High School - The First Dress Suit
1939 - Pittsford High School - Which is the Way to Boston St. Johnsbury Academy - The Boy Comes Home
1938 - Montpelier High School - Lonesome Like St. Johnsbury Academy - The Last of the Lowries
1937 - Leland and Gray Seminary - Will 'O the Wisp Montpelier High School - Campbell of Kilmhor
1936 - Essex Junction High School - A Message from Khufu Leland and Gray Seminary - Oliver Twist
1935 - Bennington High School - Sun Up Wallingford High School - Where the Cross is Made
1934 - Bennington High School - The Wasp Leland and Gray Seminary - The Violin Maker of Cremona
1933 - Middlebury High School - Circumstances Alter Cases St. Johnsbury Academy - The High Heart
1931 - Burlington High School - The Dweller in the Darkness